Flange Management

For safe and reliable flange connections

At Klinger Integrity Services we fully understand the environmental and economic factors that drive the requirement of leak-free systems. In recent years, the management of bolted flange connections has been highlighted as a major factor in reducing leaks and fugitive emissions.

We are known for our unparalleled service, providing a unique combination of specialist high-quality sealing solutions and comprehensive onsite services. Our technical knowledge, innovation, and approach to problems is a differentiator in the marketplace. This “Total Integrity Solution” is what makes us stand out within the industry. It provides a complete engineered solution from gasket design and manufacturing through to onsite inspection, repair, and installation, with a product guarantee and leak-free start-up.

We provide end-to-end flange management including specialist bolting services, on-site precision machining service, and QA/QC verification – guaranteeing a cost-effective, flexible and reliable response to any integrity application. Our highly skilled and experienced field personnel are fully qualified to all major industry training standards including ECITB TMJI, EN-1591 & ASME PCC-1, and work with state-of-the-art, versatile equipment that meets the highest safety standards. We aim to increase efficiency and reduce downtime, keeping assets online for longer.

All of our global integrity team are committed to delivering high-quality services and innovative solutions.

klinger united kingdom uk integrity services overview

Our services cover:

  • Joint Integrity Management – IntegrityXpert
  • Hydraulic Bolt Torquing & Tensioning
  • On Site Integrity Specialist Solutions
  • On Site Specialist Machining Solutions
  • Hot Bolting On Live Assemblies
  • On Site QA/QC Integrity Inspectors
  • Ultrasonic Bolt Monitoring
  • Installation & Testing of the KLINGER SENTRY Reverse Integrity Gaskets
  • Pre-Engineering On Critical Flanges
  • Joint Integrity Procedure Review
  • ECITB, EN & ASME Integrity Training


  • Reduced turnaround/project schedules
  • Right first-time philosophy, reducing risk, whilst increasing safety and efficiency
  • Integrated engineering solutions designed to eliminate unplanned downtime
  • Reduced fugitive emissions
  • Guaranteed leak free sealing solutions
  • Demonstrated cost reductions through ownership of the integrity process