We completely understand the environmental and economic factors that drive the requirement for leak-free systems. In recent years, the successful management of bolted flange connections has been highlighted as a major factor in reducing leaks and fugitive emissions.
IntegrityXpert - our industry-leading management system - has a comprehensive flange management module as well as sections on creating engineering work packs for integrity disciplines during Engineering, Construction, Commissioning, Plant start-up, Operations, and Maintenance scopes.
It allows KLINGER to incorporate all equipment, flange, and small-bore tubing breaks for ease of reference during the integrity verification process. It can also be used to plan work scope and produce work packs prior to the field execution stage.
IntegrityXpert is a bespoke system, developed to include all aspects of the joint assurance process. The flexibility allows client-specific developments, to their individual requirements and as the software has been developed across desktop, web, and handheld technologies it can be implemented in any environment.